
Cucumber Drug High Blood

Cucumber also contains saponin substances (mucus), protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sulfur, Vitamin A, B1, and C. Seeds of cucumber contains vitamin E to prevent aging and remove wrinkles.

Raw cucumber is lower the heat in, increasing stamina, and others. Besides cucumber also contains flavonoids and folifenol as anti-inflammatory and contains acid that serves malomat pressing sugar so as not to turn into fats that are good for reducing weight.

Cucumbers can also prevent the disease; canker sores, and facial skin care (mask), facilitate the urine, high blood pressure lowering, the eyes are tired and sleepy (taped slices of cucumber on the eyes for 3 minutes to 20 minutes), acne medication, and drug fever heat.

The high fiber content is useful to smooth bowel movements, lowers cholesterol, and neutralizes toxins. Cucumber also containing cucurbitasin C, which merit prevent hepatitis. Thus the benefits of cucumbers include:

1. For removal of toxins in the body of toxins alias;
2. Reducing uric acid;
3. Slimming;
4. Cure worms;
5. The skin (face);
6. Get rid of acne (applied);
7. Reduce stress;
8. Reduce heat loss (drink and compressed).

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Beans Cancer Drugs

Again, follow the advice to eat vegetables. One of the vegetables, beans, was efficacious fight against cancer. In this case of cancer in the digestive tract, such as colon cancer.

Researchers at Hammersmith Hospital and Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London suspect, because the properties contained within the bean compounds called lectins, which are associated with food on the behavior of cancer cells are located in the colon.

Lectins are protein compounds commonly found in many vegetables. This compound attaches itself to the carbohydrate molecules smoked cells in the intestine during digestion.

In addition there are the vegetables, this compound is also found in fungi. As published in the medical journal Gut, lectins stop and even reverse the cancer process. Lectins in this case increases the difference between cancer cells and healthy cells, this facilitates the therapeutic treatment, such as X-rays In this case X-rays to be better targeted. Lectins are also thought to prevent the multiplication of cancer cells.

"It is useful to note that vegetables and fruits can fight various types of cancer," said research team leader, Prof. John Calam.

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Spinach Protein Cure Blindness

Someday scientists may be able to improve vision by replacing some of the blind eye cells that die with spinach protein. But that could be cured only blind person who caused the cells of the retina or may not work correctly.

The scientists believe, a protein found in vegetables is almost the same job with his own eyes the light receptors. Or maybe it could also be used as a sensor protein Photo system I of their eyes, because it can cause a small electrical voltage after capturing the energy of the incident photon.

Researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under U.S. Department of Energy and the University of California Southern are now addressing this issue. We need to know right now is to examine whether it could lead to voltage neutral events and causes the brain to interpret the existing view, "said researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This research could also help people who have diseases related macular degeneration and retinitis pigments by age.

The results of these experiments show that in fact there are still "connecting wires" between the eye and the brain in some patients, missing only the sensor. The research team has also been proved that the spinach protein can put an artificial membrane that mimics real-life cells.

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Food Poisoning Disease

Must be distinguished between food poisoning and infectious diseases transmitted by food. In food poisoning, the symptoms occur immediately after consuming these foods, or not long after that, within a few hours.

In general, the symptoms that occur on the digestive tract such as heartburn, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea. There are often symptoms associated with nerve, because many toxins stimulating effect of food (convulsions) or paralyze the nerves.

In the infection through food, there is corresponding with the pathogenesis of the disease in question. Usually there is a rather long incubation period, more than 24 hours and there is fever and prodromal symptoms, followed by the typical symptoms of infection are concerned.

Sometimes it is rather difficult to distinguish with immediate food poisoning illnesses from infectious diseases through food.

Food poisoning occurs because there are toxic materials that go along with the food ingested. Toxins found in food can be a poison that naturally is present in foodstuffs, such as cassava poisoning, poisoning type of saltwater fish and so forth.

Toxins can also be the pollution that comes from outside the food. Pollution can be intentional (criminal) or unintentionally (negligence, lack of hygiene in making food). In the unintentional contamination, which could contaminate it has shaped toxins, such as rat poison, DDT and others; can also contaminate the microbes which produce toxic substances such as aflatoxin poisoning. 
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Congenital Diseases Metabolism (Inborn Errors of Metabolism)

This group of diseases passed down from parents to their children genetically (through genes), and manifests as abnormalities in the metabolism of certain nutrients. Metabolism of nutrients regulated by enzymes and enzyme systems including a group of proteins which are synthesized in the body (cell body).

The mechanism for the synthesis of proteins controlled by genes that contain codons for the type of protein enzymes that will be synthesized it. Sometimes an interruption in the protein synthesis apparatus, so that different enzymes form with the usual. As a result of different metabolic processes occur in certain nutrients. These metabolic changes lead to the symptoms of biochemical and clinical (functional).

Diseases that have been known to belong to this type are cycle cell anemia, lactose intolerance, phenylketonuria, and so on. Although he has known the basic pathogenesis of these diseases, not always cultivated a satisfactory treatment, because treatment is not causal correct errors contained in the gene.

But for some, Dietetic treatment approach has given satisfactory results, although this treatment should be done all his life.
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Warning Signs In Pregnant Women

Danger signs in pregnancy are the signs / symptoms that indicate the mother or her unborn child in danger. The disorder may occur suddenly, and usually can not be predicted in advance.

Therefore, every pregnant women, families and communities need to know and recognize the danger signs of pregnancy. The goal is that they can seek help to a physician or directly to the hospital, to save the lives of mothers and their fetuses (fetus).

Danger signs in pregnant women include:

1. Mother continued to vomit and not eat.
     This situation will endanger the mother's health.
2. The bleeding.
  • Bleeding in early pregnancy can cause miscarriage.
  • Bleeding in late pregnancy may endanger the safety of mother and baby in the womb.
3. High fever.
    Usually due to infections or malaria. High fever may endanger the safety 
    of the mother lives, causing miscarriage or preterm birth.
4. Swelling in the feet, hands and face, or headaches.
    Sometimes accompanied by seizures. Swelling / headaches in pregnant 
    women can endanger the safety of mother and baby in the womb.
5. Amniotic fluid exit prematurely.
    A sign of a disturbance in pregnancy and can harm the baby in the womb.
6. Reduced movements of the baby or not moving.
    This situation is a sign of danger to the fetus.

If the husband or next of kin to see danger signs above, it must immediately bring the pregnant woman to a doctor or directly to the hospital to save the lives of mothers and their fetuses. A husband must assist pregnant women at the time of examination. 

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Pregnancy Care

Pregnancy is a gift for husband and wife. Of course, every couple has a desire for the condition of mother and baby in the womb guaranteed health condition. For that every pregnant woman needs to pay attention and run a healthy lifestyle.

Here are the things that need to be considered during prenatal care:

1. Noting Foods.

Needs food for pregnant women more than for women who are not pregnant. The usefulness of food to pregnant women is:
  • For the growth of the fetus in the womb. 
  • To maintain the strength and health of the mother body. 
  • In order for the wounds of childbirth can be recovered within childbed. 
  • Useful to hold a reserve for lactation.
Here's how:
  • Mothers should eat three times a day. 
  • Dishes should be composed of nutritious food consisting of: staple foods, side dishes, vegetables and fruits, and endeavored to drink a glass of milk every day. 
  • Use a variety of food there. 
  • Select, buy wide range of fresh food. 

2. Caring for yourself

During pregnancy, the mother must take care of themselves include:
  • Maintain personal hygiene, bathing at least 2 times a day, brush your teeth 2 times a day and if vomiting, rinse his mouth.
  • Reduce weight of work and get enough rest. 
  • Treat breast with coconut oil every day.

3. Pregnancy check
  • Do a pregnancy each month. 
  • Weigh each month during pregnancy. 
  • Ask for TT immunization 2 times before pregnancy was 8 months.
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Functions of Vitamin A In Process Viewing

In the process of seeing, vitamin A plays a role as a retinal (retinen) which is a component of the substance rhodopsin visionaries. Rhodopsin has a part of a protein called opsin that became rhodopsin after joining retine. Rhodopsin is a substance that can receive excitatory light and convert light energy into electrical energy that stimulates bio sense of sight.

Rhodopsin present in the stem of the retinal cells. In the cones of the presence of different protein components similar to the opsin; visionaries subtances contained in the cones is called porphyropsin.

The symptoms of vitamin A deficiency eye on is called xerophthalmia, respectively, consist of xerosis conjunctivae and cornea, namely drought and corneal epithelial eyeball, lachrymal gland due to decreased secretion. Lining of the eyeball visible wrinkles and dull when the eyeball moves.

From the point of the function occurs hemeralopia or nictalopia, which by the laity are called blind dusk or night blindness, the inability to see in dim light. Blind called twilight because it occurs when the late afternoon (dusk) of children entering from the outside (bright light) to the porch (dim light). The morning did not happen because the chicken blind children from the dim light in the house to the outdoors a more powerful light.

Cornea and then the wound because their cells are tender, called keratomalacia, and blindness can provide. In this cornea wound healing, scarring can occur which consist of opaque tissue. This scarring is sometimes prominent white (or reddish), called leucoma (seed cotton). Many of blindness in young adults are caused by vitamin A deficiency of this.
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