
Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is one that is often about breast tumors. This disease not only affects women, men can experience it. It's just that the possibility of very small men.

Breast cancer is a malignant cancer group included although it can be prevented early. Among other cancers, this cancer is the leading cause of death in women. Until now the exact cause is unknown.

Although the exact cause is unknown, but it has been known for some risk factors that trigger the occurrence of breast cancer include the following:
  1.  Hereditary factors, such as parents never had breast cancer.
  2.  The first menstrual period before age 12, menopause after age 55 years.
  3.  First pregnancy after age 30 years or had never been pregnant.
  4.  Women who consume alcohol.
  5.  Women who frequently consume high fat foods.
  6.  Experiencing severe stress.
The symptoms of breast cancer are often known already in the stage which has been accompanied by severe and widespread dissemination beyond the breast so that the handling becomes difficult and need a big danger. Symptoms often appear and are perceived presence of: 
  1. Lumps in the breast. The lump was initially small, generally not accompanied by pain, getting bigger and bigger, and then attached to the skin.
  2. Skin around the nipple or nipple drawn into.
  3. Ulcers arise in the breast. Ulcers were increasingly large, often foul smelling, and bleed easily.
  4. Bleeding on the nipple.
  5. Pain or new pain in general arises if the tumor is large, already arise ulcers, or if there are cancer spreading.
  6. Then arose enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit, swelling of the arms, and spread of cancer throughout the body.
One simple check is recommended and is easily done independently at home breast self-examination regularly. The sooner the disease is unknown, it is easier to handle.

Actually, breast cancer can be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle, nutritious and balanced meals, exercise and perform early inspection.

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