
Stress - Overview

Stress is a physical and mental disorder in the form of physical, emotional or mental stress in some people. In medic, stress means a mental condition or situation that is uncomfortable or out of place. However, what is perceived as stressful for anyone, but rather is the spice of life for others. It depends on each individual in a deal with the risk of stress.

Stress is one thing that can upset the balance of life. Stress is usually experienced by most of the large urban communities. The rhythm of the big city life full of activities throughout the week increases the chances of the onset of stress.

Stress can affect anyone and appear at any time. Piles of work, highway congestion, problems with colleagues or friends, and many other problems faced during the move is one of the triggers of stress.

With the stress should not make you worry because stress. Actually, stress can be a challenge that encourages people to continue working. Body and soul are not able to withstand the stress load; the stress will become a common threat devastated life.

Tips to measure the stress:

To determine if you are depressed or not, you can answer some of these statements. This statement suggested by the National Institute of Mental Health. Decide whether you agree or disagree with the following statements:
  • I feel weak spirit, melancholy and sad.
  • I do not enjoy the things I used to enjoy.  
  • I feel others would be better off without me.  
  • I feel useless or not needed.  
  • My weight decreased.  
  • I find it hard to sleep at night.  
  • I feel restless and can not concentrate.  
  • My mind is not clear yet.  
  • I feel tired for no reason.  
  • I feel pessimistic about the future.
Calculate the total number of statements that you agree with. If you agree to at least 5 statements, including one of the first two statements, and if you have these symptoms for at least 2 weeks, you should seek professional help. If you agree with these three statements, seek immediate help.

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