
The Importance Of Anthrax

This is some information you should know about the disease anthrax, such as:

Symptoms of anthrax
  • When the anthrax attacks the body, the incubation period is 2-7 days. Generally the symptoms are shortness of the chest, cough, and fever is not too high. After several days, symptoms of acute dyspnoe generally accompanied by cyanosis and death follow within 24 hours.
  • Anthrax in human skin starts from small papules red and itchy, then develop into vesicles, necrosis, and covered with a black scar tissue. Lesions caused by cutaneous anthrax is not painful.
  • Symptoms of intestinal anthrax is stomach feels queasy and vomited blood.
  • Coughing and shortness of breath are symptoms of pulmonary anthrax.
  • The brain anthrax, symptoms include headaches and seizures feels.

Treatment of anthrax

Patients who experience symptoms of anthrax on the skin, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, or brain after eating the meat of animals exposed to anthrax, should immediately be brought to the health service or the nearest hospital to ask for treatment.

Treatment is done by giving anthrax drugs such as penicillin. If not promptly treated, patients may die within a day or two.

Anthrax disease prevention
  • For the prevention of anthrax, quarantine be done by banning the entry of animals from infected areas into areas free of anthrax.
  • Getting used to buy meat at the slaughterhouse official.
  • Cooking meat thoroughly so the bacteria die.
  • Maintaining personal hygiene is always used to wash hands before eating.
  • People who are at high risk of direct contact with animals should be vaccinated.