

This disease is a combination of state of marasmus and kwashiorkor with a combination of symptoms that accompany. The disease is characterized by symptoms of marasmus-kwashiorkor as follows:
  • Weight loss sufferers just in numbers ranging from 60% of normal weight.
  • Swelling, swelling, abnormal hair, skin disorders.
  • The body contains more fluid, due to the reduced fat and muscle.
  • Metabolic disorders such as disorders of the kidneys and pancreas.
  • Other Minerals in the body also susceptible to interference.
Prevention of malnutrition diseases are complex because they involve individual children with immune and other variations. Besides, poor nutrition also influenced by the environment such as behavioral and cultural factors in family or community, level of parental knowledge and the ability of families to member economies adequate nutrition for the family.

Other factors that also influence the government policy that gives attention to the problems of nutrition so that regulations and programs implemented really intended to ensure that all residents avoid malnutrition and malnutrition.

Treatment of severe malnutrition needs to help health workers even pediatrician and nutrition clinic. Patients should be hospitalized to receive full medical attention. In line with the treatment of co morbidities and infection, nutritional status of children continues tobe improved until cured.

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