
Malnutrition Diseases

In general, malnutrition is one of the terms of the disease due to lack of nutritional intake, especially energy-protein so often also called protein energy malnutrition (MEP).

Depending on the degree of energy-protein deficiency that occurs, then the manifestations of the disease also vary. MEP is often termed mild with malnutrition. While marasmus, kwashiorkor (often also termed with malnutrition or HO), and kwashiorkor marasmik-classified as MEP weight.
  • Increase in body weight is reduced, suspended, or even decreased. 
  • The size of the circle of the upper arm down.
  • Delayed bone maturation.
  • The ratio of weight to height, normal or tended to decline.
  • Normal skin folds thickness or less.


Children with marasmus are physically easy to recognize. Although still young child, her face look old, very thin because of a loss of some tissue fat and muscles.

Patients with severe marasmus will show mental changes, even missing of consciousness. In stadium a lighter, more generally whiny children and easy to cry because it always felt hungry. Other characteristics are: Weight less than 60% body weight of a normal child his age; skin dry, cool and relaxed, easy hair fall out; clearly protruding bones; often suffering from diarrhea or constipation (constipation).


Kwashiorkor is often termed as honger malnutrition or edema (HO). The appearance of children with HO generally very distinctive, pale skin and impression swollen, with a protruding abdomen. Weight far below normal weight.

Other characteristics that accompany them: Mental changes strikingly. Many cry, even at an advanced stage looks very passive child, it seems people are weak and want to always lay, anemia, diarrhea, abnormal typical skin, starting with a red dot. After peeling, looks reddish with black borders. The disorder is usually found in skin around the back, buttocks, and so on.

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