
What is Anemia ?

Anemia is a condition of decline in red blood cell levels (hemoglobin) in blood. Normal blood levels in women around 12 mg / dl and 14 mg / dl in males. Reduced red blood cells can be very dangerous because the body by red blood cells serves as a means of transport of nutrients and oxygen needed body tissues.

Reduced red blood cells may occur due to certain circumstances such as bleeding, impaired formation of red blood cells, decreased nutritional intake, especially in iron and others.

Are symptoms of anemia?

Early symptoms of anemia can be seen on the body, such as the complaints body weakness, tiredness, lack of energy, poor appetite, decreased concentration, headache, dizzy often view especially of a state sitting or squatting and then standing. Another sign of symptoms of anemia are the eyelids, face, lips and fingertips usually look pale.

Symptoms of anemia experienced by many pregnant women. To prevent anemia in pregnant women by giving them a balanced nutritional intake and enough of them to eat nutritious foods and doing regular prenatal care.

How do I prevent anemia?

Prevention is best before the anemia, i.e. by keeping the body there is enough iron for red blood cell formation. To keep the body's iron is always available; it is necessary to balanced and healthy foods, especially foods that contain lots of iron.

Iron is contained in many foods animal, vegetable and fruits, such as: liver, meat, eggs, fish, potatoes, brown rice, beans, apples, guava, papaya, and others. The balance of nutritional intake is necessary to keep not affected by anemia.