
Diarrhea Diseases

Diarrhea (vomiting, diarrhea) is a situation where someone diarrhea, loose stools (bowel movements) many times and sometimes vomiting. Sometimes it also contains blood or stool lenders. Diarrhea causes the body fluid was drained out through the stool.

If the patient is diarrhea a lot of lost body fluids then this can cause death, especially in infants and children under the age of five years. Therefore beware if any of your family who suffer from diarrhea.

Diarrhea can occur by several causes, among which:
  • Infection of the intestine, such as cholera, dysentery, other bacteria, viruses and so on.
  • Nutritional deficiencies, such as malnutrition, lack of albumen.
  • Food poisoning, such as clostridium botulinum-contaminated food.
  • Not resistant or susceptible to certain foods or beverages, such as a small child who cannot stand drinking a certain milk (lactose intolerance).
Diarrhea can be transmitted through feces that contain germs that cause diarrhea. Feces were issued by the sick or carriers of germs that defecate in any place. Feces were polluting the environment such as soil, rivers, and water wells. Healthy people who use well water or river water is already contaminated, and can suffer from diarrhea.

To prevent the occurrence of lack of body fluids due to diarrhea are more severe, then it is advisable to give drink rehydration salts. One small pack of oral rehydration salts dissolved in 1 cup of cooking water (200 cc) each time the diarrhea. If ORS is not available, you can make it by using a saline solution of sugar.

How to make sugar-salt solution that is: take 1 cup of boiled water. Add 1 tablespoon of sugar and the tip of a spoon of table salt or 2 teaspoons of sugar and salt teal tip of a spoon. If the diarrhea does not stop within a day or people with weak once, then send the patient to the nearest hospital to get help as soon as possible.

To prevent diarrhea, including premises healthy lifestyle behaviors such as defecating in place (not just anywhere), washing hands before eating and after defecation, to drink water and eat cooked food.

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