
Lactose Intolerance

The disease is also a metabolic disorder of the disaccharide lactose. Lactose in the gastrointestinal tract is broken down by the enzyme lactase into glucose and galactose. In people with lactose intolerance disease there is a deficiency of the enzyme lactase, for reducing its synthesis or not synthesized at all. Defect here lies in the mechanism for the synthesis of this enzyme, which stem from abnormalities in the gene codon.

These codon changes caused the enzyme lactase is not synthesized or synthesized in insufficient amounts. As a result, can not digest lactose and lactose levels are high enough in the digestive tract works as laxans, causing diarrhea. Symptoms that occur are that this disease will suffer from diarrhea if given breast milk or milk products, either breast milk or cow's milk or other animal.

Because the fault lies in the genes, it is clear that the disease is inherited (hereditary), and since the child was born there. The disease is also mainly found among the adults who usually do not consume milk. In these people may be small when it does not suffer from the disease, but is formed after becoming an adult. In this case there is no disease is congenital, but after gradually become mature.

Adults who since childhood continue to consume milk or water uses in food, in general do not suffer from the disease. Concluded that the disease obtained in adults is an adaptation of the body, because there is no substrate to be processed (lactose), the enzyme is not needed anymore, so the body gradually remove the capacity to make the enzyme lactase.

Formerly the disease lactose intolerance in children considered to be caused by infection through equipment that is less clean, but then it turns out the use of milk equipment (bottles, rubber nipples, etc.) are quite clean though still give diarrhea. With advances in the field of nutrition research, then note that the diarrhea was caused by not resistant to nutritional components contained in milk, i.e. lactose.

Therapy and prevention it is the provision of low-lactose milk (LLM = Low Lactose Milk) or by replacing milk with soy milk does not contain lactose. This treatment should be done all his life, because it does not change the conditions of the enzyme is deficient.

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