
Functions of Vitamin A In Process Viewing

In the process of seeing, vitamin A plays a role as a retinal (retinen) which is a component of the substance rhodopsin visionaries. Rhodopsin has a part of a protein called opsin that became rhodopsin after joining retine. Rhodopsin is a substance that can receive excitatory light and convert light energy into electrical energy that stimulates bio sense of sight.

Rhodopsin present in the stem of the retinal cells. In the cones of the presence of different protein components similar to the opsin; visionaries subtances contained in the cones is called porphyropsin.

The symptoms of vitamin A deficiency eye on is called xerophthalmia, respectively, consist of xerosis conjunctivae and cornea, namely drought and corneal epithelial eyeball, lachrymal gland due to decreased secretion. Lining of the eyeball visible wrinkles and dull when the eyeball moves.

From the point of the function occurs hemeralopia or nictalopia, which by the laity are called blind dusk or night blindness, the inability to see in dim light. Blind called twilight because it occurs when the late afternoon (dusk) of children entering from the outside (bright light) to the porch (dim light). The morning did not happen because the chicken blind children from the dim light in the house to the outdoors a more powerful light.

Cornea and then the wound because their cells are tender, called keratomalacia, and blindness can provide. In this cornea wound healing, scarring can occur which consist of opaque tissue. This scarring is sometimes prominent white (or reddish), called leucoma (seed cotton). Many of blindness in young adults are caused by vitamin A deficiency of this.
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