
Cucumber Drug High Blood

Cucumber also contains saponin substances (mucus), protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sulfur, Vitamin A, B1, and C. Seeds of cucumber contains vitamin E to prevent aging and remove wrinkles.

Raw cucumber is lower the heat in, increasing stamina, and others. Besides cucumber also contains flavonoids and folifenol as anti-inflammatory and contains acid that serves malomat pressing sugar so as not to turn into fats that are good for reducing weight.

Cucumbers can also prevent the disease; canker sores, and facial skin care (mask), facilitate the urine, high blood pressure lowering, the eyes are tired and sleepy (taped slices of cucumber on the eyes for 3 minutes to 20 minutes), acne medication, and drug fever heat.

The high fiber content is useful to smooth bowel movements, lowers cholesterol, and neutralizes toxins. Cucumber also containing cucurbitasin C, which merit prevent hepatitis. Thus the benefits of cucumbers include:

1. For removal of toxins in the body of toxins alias;
2. Reducing uric acid;
3. Slimming;
4. Cure worms;
5. The skin (face);
6. Get rid of acne (applied);
7. Reduce stress;
8. Reduce heat loss (drink and compressed).

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