
Food Poisoning Disease

Must be distinguished between food poisoning and infectious diseases transmitted by food. In food poisoning, the symptoms occur immediately after consuming these foods, or not long after that, within a few hours.

In general, the symptoms that occur on the digestive tract such as heartburn, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea. There are often symptoms associated with nerve, because many toxins stimulating effect of food (convulsions) or paralyze the nerves.

In the infection through food, there is corresponding with the pathogenesis of the disease in question. Usually there is a rather long incubation period, more than 24 hours and there is fever and prodromal symptoms, followed by the typical symptoms of infection are concerned.

Sometimes it is rather difficult to distinguish with immediate food poisoning illnesses from infectious diseases through food.

Food poisoning occurs because there are toxic materials that go along with the food ingested. Toxins found in food can be a poison that naturally is present in foodstuffs, such as cassava poisoning, poisoning type of saltwater fish and so forth.

Toxins can also be the pollution that comes from outside the food. Pollution can be intentional (criminal) or unintentionally (negligence, lack of hygiene in making food). In the unintentional contamination, which could contaminate it has shaped toxins, such as rat poison, DDT and others; can also contaminate the microbes which produce toxic substances such as aflatoxin poisoning. 
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