
Spinach Protein Cure Blindness

Someday scientists may be able to improve vision by replacing some of the blind eye cells that die with spinach protein. But that could be cured only blind person who caused the cells of the retina or may not work correctly.

The scientists believe, a protein found in vegetables is almost the same job with his own eyes the light receptors. Or maybe it could also be used as a sensor protein Photo system I of their eyes, because it can cause a small electrical voltage after capturing the energy of the incident photon.

Researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under U.S. Department of Energy and the University of California Southern are now addressing this issue. We need to know right now is to examine whether it could lead to voltage neutral events and causes the brain to interpret the existing view, "said researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This research could also help people who have diseases related macular degeneration and retinitis pigments by age.

The results of these experiments show that in fact there are still "connecting wires" between the eye and the brain in some patients, missing only the sensor. The research team has also been proved that the spinach protein can put an artificial membrane that mimics real-life cells.

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