
Warning Signs In Pregnant Women

Danger signs in pregnancy are the signs / symptoms that indicate the mother or her unborn child in danger. The disorder may occur suddenly, and usually can not be predicted in advance.

Therefore, every pregnant women, families and communities need to know and recognize the danger signs of pregnancy. The goal is that they can seek help to a physician or directly to the hospital, to save the lives of mothers and their fetuses (fetus).

Danger signs in pregnant women include:

1. Mother continued to vomit and not eat.
     This situation will endanger the mother's health.
2. The bleeding.
  • Bleeding in early pregnancy can cause miscarriage.
  • Bleeding in late pregnancy may endanger the safety of mother and baby in the womb.
3. High fever.
    Usually due to infections or malaria. High fever may endanger the safety 
    of the mother lives, causing miscarriage or preterm birth.
4. Swelling in the feet, hands and face, or headaches.
    Sometimes accompanied by seizures. Swelling / headaches in pregnant 
    women can endanger the safety of mother and baby in the womb.
5. Amniotic fluid exit prematurely.
    A sign of a disturbance in pregnancy and can harm the baby in the womb.
6. Reduced movements of the baby or not moving.
    This situation is a sign of danger to the fetus.

If the husband or next of kin to see danger signs above, it must immediately bring the pregnant woman to a doctor or directly to the hospital to save the lives of mothers and their fetuses. A husband must assist pregnant women at the time of examination. 

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