
High Blood Diseases

Disease of high blood pressure or hypertension is a medical condition where there is an increase in blood pressure is chronic (long-term). Generally, patients have at least three blood pressure readings exceeding 140/90 mmHg at rest.

Hypertension there is a primary and secondary, because of other diseases that affect blood pressure such as kidney disease. Blood pressure is always high is one risk factor for stroke and heart attack.

In most patients, hypertension causes no symptoms even if by accident some of the symptoms occur simultaneously. Symptoms in question are headache, dizziness, bleeding from the nose, flushed face and fatigue.

If hypertension is severe or chronic symptoms can occur such as headaches. Fatigue, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, anxiety, blurred vision that occurs because of damage to the brain, eyes, heart and kidneys, and even loss of consciousness.

Overweight, inactive lifestyle (supine exercise), stress, alcohol or salt in foods, can trigger the occurrence of hypertension in people who have a reduced sensitivity. Stress tends to cause a rise in blood pressure for a while, if the stress has passed the blood pressure usually returns to normal.

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