
Stress - Overview

Stress is a physical and mental disorder in the form of physical, emotional or mental stress in some people. In medic, stress means a mental condition or situation that is uncomfortable or out of place. However, what is perceived as stressful for anyone, but rather is the spice of life for others. It depends on each individual in a deal with the risk of stress.

Stress is one thing that can upset the balance of life. Stress is usually experienced by most of the large urban communities. The rhythm of the big city life full of activities throughout the week increases the chances of the onset of stress.

Stress can affect anyone and appear at any time. Piles of work, highway congestion, problems with colleagues or friends, and many other problems faced during the move is one of the triggers of stress.

With the stress should not make you worry because stress. Actually, stress can be a challenge that encourages people to continue working. Body and soul are not able to withstand the stress load; the stress will become a common threat devastated life.

Tips to measure the stress:

To determine if you are depressed or not, you can answer some of these statements. This statement suggested by the National Institute of Mental Health. Decide whether you agree or disagree with the following statements:
  • I feel weak spirit, melancholy and sad.
  • I do not enjoy the things I used to enjoy.  
  • I feel others would be better off without me.  
  • I feel useless or not needed.  
  • My weight decreased.  
  • I find it hard to sleep at night.  
  • I feel restless and can not concentrate.  
  • My mind is not clear yet.  
  • I feel tired for no reason.  
  • I feel pessimistic about the future.
Calculate the total number of statements that you agree with. If you agree to at least 5 statements, including one of the first two statements, and if you have these symptoms for at least 2 weeks, you should seek professional help. If you agree with these three statements, seek immediate help.

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Benefits of Fiber For Body

Fibers classified as non-nutritional substances that are useful for health. Dietary fiber is a type of polysaccharide, more commonly known as simple sugars complex. Carbohydrate is made up of several clusters of simple sugars joined together to form a long chain of chemicals.

Chemical bonds are very difficult to be digested by the digestive enzymes that dietary fiber can not be absorbed by the intestinal wall will pass through the colon. The presence of fiber in the colon positive influence on the processes in the digestive tract and metabolism of nutrients, provided the amount is not excessive.

Dietary fiber can protect the body from disorders constipation, diarrhea, hemorrhoids and colon cancer. Fiber also prevents interference with the body's metabolism, allowing the body to avoid obesity and possibly diabetes mellitus disease, coronary heart disease, and gallstones. Fiber was able to manage one's weight, so the weight is expected to be not too fat not too thin so that it meets health standards.

Obesity is a side effect of excess nutrients. Obesity occurs when weight loss exceeded 20% of ideal body weight. This condition is caused by the consumption of food that exceeds the needs of the body. It can also be caused by food consumption patterns are likely to lead to rapid weight gain.

The pattern of overeating can be triggered by the problems of depression, anxiety, eating disorders such as bulimia, human relations issues, and no desire to switch to a healthy lifestyle. In addition, the eating while watching television or other spectacle while eating can lead to weight gain and an uncontrolled diet that is not healthy.

Foods that cause rapid weight gain are foods that are generally high in fat and sugar, but poor in complex carbohydrates (fiber). Raw foods contain fiber, among which rice, maize, wheat, sorghum, legumes (such as soybeans, peanuts, green beans), and vegetables.

Various methods suggested by experts to reduce excessive weight. However, the current program is recommended healthy diet is by setting a healthy diet and a healthy exercise that is not force and torture myself. The most important of setting a healthy lifestyle is the motivation for healthy living.

It is advisable, not to eat before bed, because eating before bed (especially sugar) will stimulate insulin secretion. This substance inhibits the secretion of growth hormone which usually occurs one to two hours at the beginning of sleep. In fact, besides the growth hormone for body growth also contributes to the immune system.


Rabies Symptoms and Prevention

Rabies symptoms usually begin to occur within 30-50 days after infection, but the incubation period varies between less than a week until more than one year. Generally, the incubation period for a month. The incubation period is influenced by the depth of the bite and bite distance to the central nervous system (head).

In 20% of patients, rabies begins with paralysis of the lower limbs that spread throughout the body. However, the disease usually begins with a short period of mental depression, anxiety, malaise, and fever. Unrest will rise to uncontrollable excitement and people will salivate.

Spasms of the throat muscles and vocal cords can cause excruciating pain. Seizures is due to the disruption of brain regions regulate ingestion and respiration.

A light breeze and trying to drink water can cause these spasms. Therefore, the disease is sometimes also called hidrofobia (fear of water).

Rabies in humans is divided into 5 phases, namely:
  1. Prodromal, the nature of light in the form of general weakness, chills, fever, sore throat, fatigue, sometimes cough, digestive system disorders, or central nervous system disorders such as headache, vertigo, anxiety, apprehensive and nervous. 
  2. Acute neurologic, beginning with the non-functioning of the central nervous system. 
  3. Furious. 
  4. Paralytic. 
  5. Commas, ie rapid breathing, irregular and shivering to coma.

Treatment of rabies

A person who is bitten by a wild animal should immediately receive further treatment, because maybe the animals infected with rabies. If immediate proper precautions, a person bitten by an animal suffering from rabies will rarely suffer from rabies.

The most important measures of treatment is the treatment of bite wounds as soon as possible, which is cleaned with soap. If it is cleared, people who have never been immunized against rabies vaccine will be given an injection of rabies immunoglobulin and half the dose injected in a bite.

In patients who have not been immunized, rabies vaccine injections given during bitten by rabid animals and on days 3, 7, 14 and 28. Pain and swelling at the injection site usually mild. Rarely, serious allergic reactions, less than 1% who have a fever after a vaccination.

In patients who had received rabies vaccination, the risk of suffering from rabies will be reduced, but the bite should still be cleaned and given the vaccine at that time and the next 2 days. Before treatment of rabies found, death usually occurs within 3-10 days. Most patients died of airway obstruction (asphyxia), seizures, fatigue, or total paralysis.

Prevention of Rabies

Vaccinate those at risk for rabies virus such as veterinarians, laboratory workers who handle infected animals, the people who live in areas with a lot of dogs with rabies and bat cave explorers.

Vaccination provides protection to a person's lifetime. However, the antibody levels will drop causing people at high risk should get a rabies vaccination booster dose every 2 years.

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What is Rabies

Rabies (hydrophobia) has been known since ancient times. Rabies is an acute infectious disease of the central nervous system caused by the rabies virus. The disease is transmitted through the bite of transmitting rabies animals especially dogs, cats and monkeys.

Rabies virus present in the saliva of infected animals. These animals pass the infection to other animals or humans through bites and sometimes through sycophancy.

Rabies virus will enter through the nerves leading to the spinal cord and brain which is where the rabies virus is multiplying. Furthermore, the virus will move again through the nerves to the salivary glands and into the saliva.

Not all people bitten by a dog or animal rabies sufferers will cause rabies. Rabies arise depending on the severity and location of the bite animal bite.

The virus will spread from the bite through the nerves to the spinal cord, then to the brain. Since the period of the virus reaches the brain is relatively long, then there is a chance that patients bitten by dogs with rabies serum to be given anti-rabies and rabies vaccinations simultaneously.

Symptoms of rabies in animals

Symptoms of rabies in animals is characterized by abnormalities in behavior, include the following:
  • Dogs who would lose their usual fierce fierce, otherwise docile dog will tend to be aloof and stern. Animals become sensitive to light and sound that barked toward the light and sound. Eye dogs on alert. Sometimes a dog with rabies will bite their own bodies. 
  • Be not afraid of wild carnivores to humans. 
  • The cat becomes aggressive. 
  • Cattle pawed the ground and ran here and there and menandukkan head in another. 
  • Horse show symptoms of excitation.

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Some of The Symptoms of Leptospirosis and Its Prevention

The incubation period for the disease leptospirosis is 4-19 days.
Early symptoms of leptospirosis are generally characterized by fever, severe headache, muscle pain, stiff neck, and red eyes. Sometimes kidney disturbances, vomiting and coughing. Fever subsided around day 9, but often recur.

Generally these symptoms similar to symptoms of other illnesses such as colds, making diagnosis difficult. There are even people who do not show all the symptoms.

Symptoms of leptospirosis which will further get worse, which will lead to kidney failure, jaundice, and bleeding into the skin and mucous membranes (often found in the mucous membranes yellowish). Swelling of the lining of the brain or meningitis and bleeding in the lungs can occur.

Most people with a serious illness requiring hospitalization and sometimes can lead to death.

Treatment of the disease leptospirosis

In general, the treatment of leptospirosis using antibiotics. Treatment with antibiotics is most effective if started early when the initial hit by leptospirosis. Antibiotics commonly used for the treatment of leptospirosis is doxycycline or penicillin.

Leptospirosis disease prevention

Primary prevention of disease leptospirosis was the cleanliness of the environment. Here are some ways of preventing the disease leptospirosis, among which:
  • Wash hands with soap before eating.
  • Store food and drink properly to avoid rats.
  • Protecting workers at high risk for leptospirosis by using boots and gloves. 
  • Clean water spots and swimming pool. 
  • Provide and shut the trash.
  • Avoid contamination by rodents. 
  • Perform disinfection of certain places contaminated by rodents. 
  • Shower or wash your hands, feet and other body parts with soap after working in the gardens, fields, trash, sewer and other places contaminated.
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What is Leptospirosis

Leptospirosis is a disease of humans and animals caused by infection with leptospira bacteria found in the urine and animal cells are exposed. Spiral-shaped bacterium and can live in fresh water for a month.

Source of transmission of the disease leptospirosis

Sources leptospirosis disease transmission through animal urine such as cattle, pigs, dogs, and rats were exposed to the disease leptospirosis. Tissues and body fluids infected animals can also be a source of infection for humans. Mice become a potential source of infectious disease leptospirosis.

Mode of transmission of disease leptospirosis

Direct transmission from human to human is rare. Transmission to humans occurs by direct or indirect contact. Ability leptospirosis germs live very well on wet and muddy environments.

Humans infected with leptospira through contact or contact with water and soil or plants that have been polluted by animal urine suffering from leptospirosis. The bacteria enter the body through mucous membranes (mucosa) of eyes, nose, skin abrasions or food contaminated by the urine of infected animals leptospira.

Transmission can also occur in humans when the animals drink milk immediately after milking without first heating process.

Symptoms of leptospirosis in animals exposed

Symptoms of leptospirosis in cattle is characterized by fever and a raised red urine. In pigs, such as miscarriage, fetal mummification, or weak piglets born. Pigs become a potential source of transmission in cattle being close.

In dogs, followed by bleeding fever spread to the mucous membranes and skin, and rapid death occurred.


The Importance Of Anthrax

This is some information you should know about the disease anthrax, such as:

Symptoms of anthrax
  • When the anthrax attacks the body, the incubation period is 2-7 days. Generally the symptoms are shortness of the chest, cough, and fever is not too high. After several days, symptoms of acute dyspnoe generally accompanied by cyanosis and death follow within 24 hours.
  • Anthrax in human skin starts from small papules red and itchy, then develop into vesicles, necrosis, and covered with a black scar tissue. Lesions caused by cutaneous anthrax is not painful.
  • Symptoms of intestinal anthrax is stomach feels queasy and vomited blood.
  • Coughing and shortness of breath are symptoms of pulmonary anthrax.
  • The brain anthrax, symptoms include headaches and seizures feels.

Treatment of anthrax

Patients who experience symptoms of anthrax on the skin, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, or brain after eating the meat of animals exposed to anthrax, should immediately be brought to the health service or the nearest hospital to ask for treatment.

Treatment is done by giving anthrax drugs such as penicillin. If not promptly treated, patients may die within a day or two.

Anthrax disease prevention
  • For the prevention of anthrax, quarantine be done by banning the entry of animals from infected areas into areas free of anthrax.
  • Getting used to buy meat at the slaughterhouse official.
  • Cooking meat thoroughly so the bacteria die.
  • Maintaining personal hygiene is always used to wash hands before eating.
  • People who are at high risk of direct contact with animals should be vaccinated.


What Is Anthrax

The disease is spread across five continents: Asia, Africa, Europe, America and Australia. Anthrax is a disease caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis. These bacteria can infect or attack the skin, lungs, gastrointestinal tract and the brain.

The bacteria Bacillus anthracis spores live in the soil and reproduce the form of manure. These bacteria can be a source of infection in animals and humans. Factors such as the summer is very hot, drought, lack of food animals eat grass and fatigue, facilitate the emergence of the disease in animals containing anthrax germs.

Anthrax is highly contagious and can be fatal, the cause of death. Anthrax infects animals cattle, buffalo, sheep, horses, pigs, ostriches too. Other animals can be infected when eating the flesh of infected animals died of anthrax.

Birds also may be spreading germs when carrying anthrax tainted food and fly to another place to spend the tainted food. Some wild animals are also known contracted anthrax.

Transmission of anthrax from animals to humans usually occurs by contact with animals or animal results. Transmission of anthrax through skin contact will cause anthrax injured skin with typical lesions.

Pain anthrax in animals is acute. Animals that died because of suspected anthrax should not be an autopsy, but blood checks done through the earlobe. If anthrax, get buried pretty deep and covered with lime.

Sometimes a black colored blood clot out of the hole hard animals (such as the anus, nose and ears) just before the animal dies. Carcasses of animals that died of anthrax will quickly rot.


The Basic Facts Of Toxoplasmosis

Toxoplasmosis usually affects different types of mammals and birds. Toxoplasmosis can also be transmitted to humans. Although the number of cases is relatively small, the young mother who was pregnant, had a miscarriage risk of being close to a cat infected with toxoplasmosis. In general, new infections are detected when the patient suffered a miscarriage and laboratory examination.

Transmission source

The main source of transmission of the disease toxoplasmosis is from animals to humans through cat feces or meat that is not cooked properly.

Symptoms of the disease toxoplasmosis in animals

  • In cats, symptoms of the disease toxoplasmosis, among others, were: pyrexia, anorexia, vomiting, thirst, dispnu, and jaundice. Some of them, a kitten that died with inflammation of lymph nodes, heart and brain.
  • In sheep, such as incoordination of movement, muscle rigidity, going around, and miscarriage (abortion).
  • In cattle, acute toxoplasmosis is characterized by fever, dispnu, and neurological symptoms.
  • The infected calves showed symptoms of fever, accompanied by the sound gear rubbing on the neck and head tremor.
Death usually occurs on days 2 and 6 trips ill.

Symptoms of the disease toxoplasmosis in humans

Clinical symptoms in humans are very rare. Pregnant women who are infected with these protozoa can experience a miscarriage, stillbirth, or a child born alive but suffered a serious illness or end in death.

Prevention of disease toxoplasmosis

Prevention of toxoplasmosis disease include the following:
  • Cooking meat properly.
  • Pregnant women are advised to avoid contact with cat feces or contaminated cat feces. 
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Nutritional Diseases Related to Vitamin A

Nutritional disorders associated with vitamin A deficiency and hypervitaminosis can form A.

Deficiency of Vitamin A. Vitamin A deficiency is diagnosed based on: levels of vitamin A in the blood, the symptoms of xerophthalmia, and diagnose consumption, as well as skin disorders.

Total vitamin A levels in the blood at a normal is 30ug/dl or more. Levels of 20-30 ug / dl is acceptable, even at levels considered low, which have a greater risk for the onset of deficiency symptoms. Levels of 10-20 ug / dl is included hypovitaminosis conditions, while levels below 10 ug / dl are considered to avitaminosis, which usually is accompanied by clinical symptoms, such as symptoms of xerophthalmia and skin symptoms.

Anamnesis food will help the diagnosis, and suggests dishes that do not contain a rich source of vitamin A or its precursors. It must be remembered that rice contains practically no vitamin A carotenes and other forms.

Hypervitaminosis A. Hypervitaminosis A practically not found in Indonesia. However, the possibility must be considered, if a child gets fish oil concentrate for long periods of time and had the complaints. Children will show stunted growth, pain in long bones, especially in areas growing point.

Acute symptoms may be at nutritional intervention activities which are given massive oral doses above 200 000 SI at once. Vomiting, and others have reported cases of diarrhea, although this last condition is questionable relationship with the vitamin A dosing.

When the massive dosing of vitamin A is stopped, the symptoms of hypervitaminosis A would dissipate rapidly within 1-2 days.
In adults who consume one million doses of vitamin A for several consecutive days the symptoms arise nausea, vomiting, head pain. There is also hyperhemoglobinemia with increased erythrocyte cell number. Hair loss is also reported to occur easily on the condition of hypervitaminosis A.

Hyperkarotinemia. Karotinoid excessive consumption, levels of carotene in the blood rises and there is a yellow color throughout the body, resembling the conditions of icterus. Affirmation of the diagnosis is done by determining the levels of carotene in the blood and bilirubin levels. Anamnesis food would be helpful if there has been high dose-carotene consumption for a long time before symptoms arise.

From the point of the clinic, the symptoms of pain hyperkarotinemia no complaints, except from the point of cosmetics, skin yellow. Yellow color on the nail and not hyperkarotinemia eye sclera; in icterus, sclera and nails go yellow. 
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Functions of Vitamin A on General Metabolism

This function is apparently closely related to protein metabolism.

Epithelial integrity. Vitamin A deficiency occurs on the structure and function of epithelium disorders, especially those from ectoderm. Skin epithelial thickening and hyperkeratosis occurred. The skin showed xerosis (dry) and the lines of skin picture looks clear. At the mouth of hair occurs follicle palpable lumps hard keratin, giving the impression of a bulge like a frog skin soil (toad skin). This condition is also called phrenoderma or hyperkeratosis follicularis. The surface of the skin is often itchy (pruritus).

Epithelial ducts in the body also showed abnormalities, such as respiratory tract tract, urogenital tract and lymph channels. Epithelial columnar and transitional epithelial metaplasia showed changes, becoming epithelial skwamosa. Occur keratin clumps that can become the center of calcification and saw various calculi (limestone).

Growth. Vitamin A deficiency occurs on growth inhibition. Apparently the basis of this growth inhibition of protein synthesis obstructions. These symptoms appear, especially in children (CHILDREN), who were in a period of unprecedented growth. It seems that protein synthesis requires vitamin A, so that the deficiency of this vitamin occurs barriers protein synthesis which in turn inhibits growth. It has been reported that vitamin A deficiency there is decreased synthesis of RNA, while RNA is an important factor in the process of protein synthesis.

Membrane Permeability. Various experiments in vitro and in vivo studies indicate that vitamin A plays a role in regulating the permeability of cell membranes and membranes of cellular suborganel. Through the cell membrane permeability regulation, regulate vitamin A concentration of nutrients in the cells needed for cellular metabolism.

Growth of Dentistry. Ameloblast an email form is strongly influenced by vitamin A. In conditions of deficiency of vitamin A when going to the teeth being formed, place constraints on the function of ameloblast, enamel forming defected and very sensitive to the influence of factors cryogenic.

Rows of cells induce ameloblast-odontoblast cells to make the dentin. Disturbances in the ameloblast disruption also resulted in odontoblast function, so that also formed hard tissue dentin defected and sensitive to attacks Dental caries.

Production of Steroid Hormones. It is well known that Vitamin A plays a role in the synthesis of steroid hormones. There are a number of steroid hormones concerned with the process of pregnancy and regulation of salt balance and body fluids. Various studies and experiments show that the deficiency of Vitamin A blockage in the synthesis of steroid hormones. 

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Tomatoes Prevent Cancer

Tomatoes and products derived from tomatoes such as marinara and pizza sauce are both good for health, as well as relatively low in fat and calories also has a high nutrient content, including potassium, vitamins A and C.

There is some evidence to support that the spaghetti sauce and other tomato products than offer protection against certain cancers and other conditions of decline. Among other research conducted at Harvard University of Public Health reveals a man who ate tomatoes, 45% less likely to get prostate cancer.

Scientists believe that lycopene content in tomatoes that gives red tomatoes is an antioxidant that much has compared the efficacy of beta-carotene.

As with other antioxidants, lycopene protects the body from free radicals, destructive cells are formed in the body due to pollution, smoking, and ultra violet rays. Lycopene may help of cell damage that can result in cancer and other diseases. Lycopene is also found in fruit / other foods such as red grapes, watermelon and papaya, but tomatoes are still by far the richest source of lycopene.

Amazingly, it turns out that crushed tomatoes or cooked it seemed a better source of lycopene than raw tomatoes. The researchers speculate that cooked tomatoes or lycopene spend more destroyed so easily absorbed by the body, such as spaghetti sauce, pizza, and other foods made from tomatoes that have been processed.

Tomato juice is also good as far as packaged in bottles or cans. As with other nutrients in the carotenoid family, lycopene is fat soluble. That means your body will more easily absorb if you eat tomatoes with a little vegetable oil.


Corn Source of Vitamin A

We sometimes trouble making ends meet little vitamin A, but do not worry, because there are a variety of approaches we can try to familiarize them with the sources of vitamin A. Clearly, we must not wait a year to consume twice as fish oil, an important source of vitamin A.

One way to meet vitamin A is to make snacks of corn. Corn contains essential nutrients, namely vitamin A from beta carotene on corn.

That's the orange pigment beta-carotene maize. The color is a bright child would be interesting to try. We will have no trouble giving vitamin A with a sweet and savory taste.

As an alternative, we can also present a pea. This one is also the largest source of beta carotene for children, serve peas small size and youth. Cook until soft and easily chewed. Add cheese shavings will tempt his taste.

While eating foods rich in vitamins, we can ask the children a variety of foods available. Then ask what the benefits of foods to your baby. Children happy and easy to remember the color, the color approaches such as the color orange on corn contains vitamins A child will be easy to remember and liked the corn snacks that are rich in vitamin A.
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Carrots for The Eyes

Eat carrots for better eye health. Even the people say, carrots can improve our vision. The fact it can not be yes, says Chris Rosenbloom, a dietitian American Dietetic Association spokeswoman. "Carrots can not improve vision a person suffering from crossed eyes, or those who need glasses to see", he explained.

What is clear carrot is rich in beta carotene content. This is to be made ​​into vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A is essential for normal vision care. Around the world, vitamin A deficiency is the leading cause of blindness, "he said.

Carrot Juice

several studies have revealed the efficacy of many different types of plant foods (vegetarian) is anti cancer. About 8 ounces of carrot juice carrots, according to several studies of beta-carotene contains 700 percent of the amount recommended to be consumed every day. Of these only contain 70 kcal. High intake of beta carotene which is believed to prevent the risk of breast cancer.

Carrot and pineapple juice: Add a can (4ons) carrot juice and a can (6 ounces) pineapple juice in a closed place. And shake for 10 seconds. Take one cup (129 calories). In addition to fresh (sweet sour) the drink is also rich in beta carotene.
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