
Functions of Vitamin A on General Metabolism

This function is apparently closely related to protein metabolism.

Epithelial integrity. Vitamin A deficiency occurs on the structure and function of epithelium disorders, especially those from ectoderm. Skin epithelial thickening and hyperkeratosis occurred. The skin showed xerosis (dry) and the lines of skin picture looks clear. At the mouth of hair occurs follicle palpable lumps hard keratin, giving the impression of a bulge like a frog skin soil (toad skin). This condition is also called phrenoderma or hyperkeratosis follicularis. The surface of the skin is often itchy (pruritus).

Epithelial ducts in the body also showed abnormalities, such as respiratory tract tract, urogenital tract and lymph channels. Epithelial columnar and transitional epithelial metaplasia showed changes, becoming epithelial skwamosa. Occur keratin clumps that can become the center of calcification and saw various calculi (limestone).

Growth. Vitamin A deficiency occurs on growth inhibition. Apparently the basis of this growth inhibition of protein synthesis obstructions. These symptoms appear, especially in children (CHILDREN), who were in a period of unprecedented growth. It seems that protein synthesis requires vitamin A, so that the deficiency of this vitamin occurs barriers protein synthesis which in turn inhibits growth. It has been reported that vitamin A deficiency there is decreased synthesis of RNA, while RNA is an important factor in the process of protein synthesis.

Membrane Permeability. Various experiments in vitro and in vivo studies indicate that vitamin A plays a role in regulating the permeability of cell membranes and membranes of cellular suborganel. Through the cell membrane permeability regulation, regulate vitamin A concentration of nutrients in the cells needed for cellular metabolism.

Growth of Dentistry. Ameloblast an email form is strongly influenced by vitamin A. In conditions of deficiency of vitamin A when going to the teeth being formed, place constraints on the function of ameloblast, enamel forming defected and very sensitive to the influence of factors cryogenic.

Rows of cells induce ameloblast-odontoblast cells to make the dentin. Disturbances in the ameloblast disruption also resulted in odontoblast function, so that also formed hard tissue dentin defected and sensitive to attacks Dental caries.

Production of Steroid Hormones. It is well known that Vitamin A plays a role in the synthesis of steroid hormones. There are a number of steroid hormones concerned with the process of pregnancy and regulation of salt balance and body fluids. Various studies and experiments show that the deficiency of Vitamin A blockage in the synthesis of steroid hormones. 

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