
Functions of Vitamin A on General Metabolism

This function is apparently closely related to protein metabolism.

Epithelial integrity. Vitamin A deficiency occurs on the structure and function of epithelium disorders, especially those from ectoderm. Skin epithelial thickening and hyperkeratosis occurred. The skin showed xerosis (dry) and the lines of skin picture looks clear. At the mouth of hair occurs follicle palpable lumps hard keratin, giving the impression of a bulge like a frog skin soil (toad skin). This condition is also called phrenoderma or hyperkeratosis follicularis. The surface of the skin is often itchy (pruritus).

Epithelial ducts in the body also showed abnormalities, such as respiratory tract tract, urogenital tract and lymph channels. Epithelial columnar and transitional epithelial metaplasia showed changes, becoming epithelial skwamosa. Occur keratin clumps that can become the center of calcification and saw various calculi (limestone).

Growth. Vitamin A deficiency occurs on growth inhibition. Apparently the basis of this growth inhibition of protein synthesis obstructions. These symptoms appear, especially in children (CHILDREN), who were in a period of unprecedented growth. It seems that protein synthesis requires vitamin A, so that the deficiency of this vitamin occurs barriers protein synthesis which in turn inhibits growth. It has been reported that vitamin A deficiency there is decreased synthesis of RNA, while RNA is an important factor in the process of protein synthesis.

Membrane Permeability. Various experiments in vitro and in vivo studies indicate that vitamin A plays a role in regulating the permeability of cell membranes and membranes of cellular suborganel. Through the cell membrane permeability regulation, regulate vitamin A concentration of nutrients in the cells needed for cellular metabolism.

Growth of Dentistry. Ameloblast an email form is strongly influenced by vitamin A. In conditions of deficiency of vitamin A when going to the teeth being formed, place constraints on the function of ameloblast, enamel forming defected and very sensitive to the influence of factors cryogenic.

Rows of cells induce ameloblast-odontoblast cells to make the dentin. Disturbances in the ameloblast disruption also resulted in odontoblast function, so that also formed hard tissue dentin defected and sensitive to attacks Dental caries.

Production of Steroid Hormones. It is well known that Vitamin A plays a role in the synthesis of steroid hormones. There are a number of steroid hormones concerned with the process of pregnancy and regulation of salt balance and body fluids. Various studies and experiments show that the deficiency of Vitamin A blockage in the synthesis of steroid hormones. 

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Tomatoes Prevent Cancer

Tomatoes and products derived from tomatoes such as marinara and pizza sauce are both good for health, as well as relatively low in fat and calories also has a high nutrient content, including potassium, vitamins A and C.

There is some evidence to support that the spaghetti sauce and other tomato products than offer protection against certain cancers and other conditions of decline. Among other research conducted at Harvard University of Public Health reveals a man who ate tomatoes, 45% less likely to get prostate cancer.

Scientists believe that lycopene content in tomatoes that gives red tomatoes is an antioxidant that much has compared the efficacy of beta-carotene.

As with other antioxidants, lycopene protects the body from free radicals, destructive cells are formed in the body due to pollution, smoking, and ultra violet rays. Lycopene may help of cell damage that can result in cancer and other diseases. Lycopene is also found in fruit / other foods such as red grapes, watermelon and papaya, but tomatoes are still by far the richest source of lycopene.

Amazingly, it turns out that crushed tomatoes or cooked it seemed a better source of lycopene than raw tomatoes. The researchers speculate that cooked tomatoes or lycopene spend more destroyed so easily absorbed by the body, such as spaghetti sauce, pizza, and other foods made from tomatoes that have been processed.

Tomato juice is also good as far as packaged in bottles or cans. As with other nutrients in the carotenoid family, lycopene is fat soluble. That means your body will more easily absorb if you eat tomatoes with a little vegetable oil.


Corn Source of Vitamin A

We sometimes trouble making ends meet little vitamin A, but do not worry, because there are a variety of approaches we can try to familiarize them with the sources of vitamin A. Clearly, we must not wait a year to consume twice as fish oil, an important source of vitamin A.

One way to meet vitamin A is to make snacks of corn. Corn contains essential nutrients, namely vitamin A from beta carotene on corn.

That's the orange pigment beta-carotene maize. The color is a bright child would be interesting to try. We will have no trouble giving vitamin A with a sweet and savory taste.

As an alternative, we can also present a pea. This one is also the largest source of beta carotene for children, serve peas small size and youth. Cook until soft and easily chewed. Add cheese shavings will tempt his taste.

While eating foods rich in vitamins, we can ask the children a variety of foods available. Then ask what the benefits of foods to your baby. Children happy and easy to remember the color, the color approaches such as the color orange on corn contains vitamins A child will be easy to remember and liked the corn snacks that are rich in vitamin A.
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Carrots for The Eyes

Eat carrots for better eye health. Even the people say, carrots can improve our vision. The fact it can not be yes, says Chris Rosenbloom, a dietitian American Dietetic Association spokeswoman. "Carrots can not improve vision a person suffering from crossed eyes, or those who need glasses to see", he explained.

What is clear carrot is rich in beta carotene content. This is to be made ​​into vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A is essential for normal vision care. Around the world, vitamin A deficiency is the leading cause of blindness, "he said.

Carrot Juice

several studies have revealed the efficacy of many different types of plant foods (vegetarian) is anti cancer. About 8 ounces of carrot juice carrots, according to several studies of beta-carotene contains 700 percent of the amount recommended to be consumed every day. Of these only contain 70 kcal. High intake of beta carotene which is believed to prevent the risk of breast cancer.

Carrot and pineapple juice: Add a can (4ons) carrot juice and a can (6 ounces) pineapple juice in a closed place. And shake for 10 seconds. Take one cup (129 calories). In addition to fresh (sweet sour) the drink is also rich in beta carotene.
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Eyes Need Spinach

We used to watch Popeye cartoons who love to eat spinach; with this cartoon we can persuade children to eat vegetables like spinach. These green vegetables contain lots of vitamin A. Is why spinach is very beneficial for children?

Lutein, a type of antioxidant that is considered capable of repairing damage to vision, it had no effect better than placebo (fake pill). It is known in a study conducted by a researcher from Oregon. The researcher is an expert Dr. Diane P. Yolton optometry at Pacific University, Forest Grove, Oregon.

This research, involving 45 healthy adolescents who requested lutein supplements or placebo for 6 months. Lutein, given to increase the pigment in the macula, located in the center of the retina of the eye, says Yolton. "When someone loses macular pigment, the central vision is damaged.

People become more difficult to read, drive and perform other activities that require sharp vision, "he explained. Researchers at Oregon this measure the density of pigment in the eyes before the study and every interval of one month during the study. But after six months of the last administration of lutein, Yolton and colleagues found no increase in density of pigment in the group taking supplements and those taking placebo.

However, these results could be different in people who develop the disease. Possibly, material, found in many green vegetables, like spinach, do not increase the pigment in people who have pigment in sufficient quantities. But still improve on their lack of pigment.

Degeneration (damage) macular can occur in middle age. However, the risk of having this disease increases with age. Age and macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness in the world of industry.

Women estimated to have a higher risk than men. Similarly, smoking, family history, and high cholesterol levels, also increase the risk of macular degenerative.