

This disease is a combination of state of marasmus and kwashiorkor with a combination of symptoms that accompany. The disease is characterized by symptoms of marasmus-kwashiorkor as follows:
  • Weight loss sufferers just in numbers ranging from 60% of normal weight.
  • Swelling, swelling, abnormal hair, skin disorders.
  • The body contains more fluid, due to the reduced fat and muscle.
  • Metabolic disorders such as disorders of the kidneys and pancreas.
  • Other Minerals in the body also susceptible to interference.
Prevention of malnutrition diseases are complex because they involve individual children with immune and other variations. Besides, poor nutrition also influenced by the environment such as behavioral and cultural factors in family or community, level of parental knowledge and the ability of families to member economies adequate nutrition for the family.

Other factors that also influence the government policy that gives attention to the problems of nutrition so that regulations and programs implemented really intended to ensure that all residents avoid malnutrition and malnutrition.

Treatment of severe malnutrition needs to help health workers even pediatrician and nutrition clinic. Patients should be hospitalized to receive full medical attention. In line with the treatment of co morbidities and infection, nutritional status of children continues tobe improved until cured.

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Malnutrition Diseases

In general, malnutrition is one of the terms of the disease due to lack of nutritional intake, especially energy-protein so often also called protein energy malnutrition (MEP).

Depending on the degree of energy-protein deficiency that occurs, then the manifestations of the disease also vary. MEP is often termed mild with malnutrition. While marasmus, kwashiorkor (often also termed with malnutrition or HO), and kwashiorkor marasmik-classified as MEP weight.
  • Increase in body weight is reduced, suspended, or even decreased. 
  • The size of the circle of the upper arm down.
  • Delayed bone maturation.
  • The ratio of weight to height, normal or tended to decline.
  • Normal skin folds thickness or less.


Children with marasmus are physically easy to recognize. Although still young child, her face look old, very thin because of a loss of some tissue fat and muscles.

Patients with severe marasmus will show mental changes, even missing of consciousness. In stadium a lighter, more generally whiny children and easy to cry because it always felt hungry. Other characteristics are: Weight less than 60% body weight of a normal child his age; skin dry, cool and relaxed, easy hair fall out; clearly protruding bones; often suffering from diarrhea or constipation (constipation).


Kwashiorkor is often termed as honger malnutrition or edema (HO). The appearance of children with HO generally very distinctive, pale skin and impression swollen, with a protruding abdomen. Weight far below normal weight.

Other characteristics that accompany them: Mental changes strikingly. Many cry, even at an advanced stage looks very passive child, it seems people are weak and want to always lay, anemia, diarrhea, abnormal typical skin, starting with a red dot. After peeling, looks reddish with black borders. The disorder is usually found in skin around the back, buttocks, and so on.

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Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder related to the carbohydrate glucose. It is generally agreed by scientists and researchers that the basis of this disease is deficiency of insulin hormone. Hormone produced by beta cells in the islands of Langerhans in the pancreas gland regulates the metabolism of glucose.

Relative deficiency of insulin hormone synthesis could be because it was deficient, but perhaps also the synthesis of its pretty, but the sensitivity of target cells to hormones that decline. Others have suggested that the hormone itself synthesized in sufficient quantities, but the mobilization is retarded, so buried in an inactive form in the beta cells, many influential factors for the manifestation of diabetes mellitus on someone.

Insulin works convert glucose into glycogen in the liver cells and muscle; this occurs when glucose levels in the blood rises. Conversely if the decreased blood glucose, liver glycogen mobilized thereby increasing the concentration of glucose in the return of blood flow. Insulin also stimulates gluconeogenesis, namely glucose convert into several metabolites, especially metabolites of the breakdown of fat and protein.

In insulin deficiency, glucose can not enter into the cells, so that the rising concentration outside the cell, including blood in the fluid, but the pile of glucose can not be harnessed to produce energy for cells that need it. Glucose accumulated in the blood stream is then excreted through the kidneys into the urine, resulting in glucosuria.

Because glucose can not be used to produce energy, so fat and more protein is broken down to produce the required energy, resulting in increased gluconeogenesis.

Management of diabetes mellitus consists of triad of diet, physical activity and medicament. If the management of this disease is good enough, people with diabetes can still live a normal life for a long enough period of time.

In diabetes mellitus can occur a variety of disorders side, especially those that are not controlled properly, including abnormalities of the retina (retinopathies diabetic), cardiovascular disorders with symptoms obliteration of small blood vessels, kidney and liver abnormalities. Also can occur nerve abnormalities, called neuropathic diabetic.

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Lactose Intolerance

The disease is also a metabolic disorder of the disaccharide lactose. Lactose in the gastrointestinal tract is broken down by the enzyme lactase into glucose and galactose. In people with lactose intolerance disease there is a deficiency of the enzyme lactase, for reducing its synthesis or not synthesized at all. Defect here lies in the mechanism for the synthesis of this enzyme, which stem from abnormalities in the gene codon.

These codon changes caused the enzyme lactase is not synthesized or synthesized in insufficient amounts. As a result, can not digest lactose and lactose levels are high enough in the digestive tract works as laxans, causing diarrhea. Symptoms that occur are that this disease will suffer from diarrhea if given breast milk or milk products, either breast milk or cow's milk or other animal.

Because the fault lies in the genes, it is clear that the disease is inherited (hereditary), and since the child was born there. The disease is also mainly found among the adults who usually do not consume milk. In these people may be small when it does not suffer from the disease, but is formed after becoming an adult. In this case there is no disease is congenital, but after gradually become mature.

Adults who since childhood continue to consume milk or water uses in food, in general do not suffer from the disease. Concluded that the disease obtained in adults is an adaptation of the body, because there is no substrate to be processed (lactose), the enzyme is not needed anymore, so the body gradually remove the capacity to make the enzyme lactase.

Formerly the disease lactose intolerance in children considered to be caused by infection through equipment that is less clean, but then it turns out the use of milk equipment (bottles, rubber nipples, etc.) are quite clean though still give diarrhea. With advances in the field of nutrition research, then note that the diarrhea was caused by not resistant to nutritional components contained in milk, i.e. lactose.

Therapy and prevention it is the provision of low-lactose milk (LLM = Low Lactose Milk) or by replacing milk with soy milk does not contain lactose. This treatment should be done all his life, because it does not change the conditions of the enzyme is deficient.

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Overweight Disease (Obesity)

This condition is caused by an imbalance between caloric intake and energy needs, where consumption is too excessive compared to demand or energy usage. Excess energy is stored in the body in the form of fat tissue.

In normal circumstances, fat tissue deposited in some particular place, including in the subcutaneous tissues and curtains in the intestinal tissue (omentum). In women there are places where the accumulation of specific fatty tissue that provides distinctive feminine forms, eg in the gluteus region (buttocks) and in the shoulder and chest, giving the rounded contour in these areas.

Heaps of fat tissue in the area - the area is very persistent characteristic is maintained by the woman's body, when the body lacks energy, and new energy is reduced if the deficiencies are a little further. Subcutaneous fat tissue in the abdominal wall front thickening easily visible on a person with obesity.

The new one is called obese if his weight in males exceeds 15% and in women exceeds 20% of ideal body weight according to age. In people who suffer from obesity, the organs of the body are forced to work harder, because they have to carry around excess weight that does not provide immediate benefits. Therefore they feel faster hot (feel hot) and faster sweat to eliminate excess heat the body. Obese people have a tendency to more easily make mistakes in their work and tend to be more prone to accidents.

There are some diseases that increased prevalence in people who suffer from obesity, such as cardiovascular diseases including hypertension, diabetes mellitus and some other. Morbidity and mortality of other diseases increased, whereas the reported shortened lifespan.

The basis of prevention of diseases of obesity therapy is the balance between energy consumed and energy used. So the energy consumption should be reduced and elevated muscle activity, so that excess fat tissue as a form of heaps of energy to be reduced.

This weight reduction should be done gradually, not too drastic, because it will give the symptoms of adverse side. Actually obesity therapy is not easy as said, because many factors that influence the balance between energy than that consumed by the necessary.

Many people with the disease of obesity did not succeed to lose weight, or if successful, not permanently, but in a relatively short time their weight increased again, even higher than before the treatment. Obesity disease treatment efforts should be done under the guidance and supervision of a physician expert.

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Pneumonia is an acute infection of the lung tissue (alveoli). Often pneumonia in children in conjunction with the acute infection of the bronchi (usually called bronchopneumonia).

Symptoms of the disease is usually preceded by symptoms of increased heat loss, cough, accompanied by rapid breathing and shortness of breath, the lungs become inflamed because of a sudden. Limit fast breathing is a respiratory frequency of 50 times per minute.

Pneumonia in the community is generally caused by bacteria, viruses or mycoplasma (an intermediate form between bacteria and viruses). Common bacteria are Streptococcus pneumonia, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella sp, Pseudomonas sp, viruses such as influenza virus.

Severe pneumonia characterized by a cough or difficulty breathing, shortness of breath or withdrawal of the chest wall into the bottom of the children aged 2 months to less than 5 years. In children under 2 years, the danger of pneumonia may be accompanied by febrile seizures that are very dangerous if you do not get the help that is good and right.

Inspection of Upper Respiratory Tract Disease (ARD) outside pneumonia include: common cold (common cold), pharyngitis, tonsillitis and otitis. Pharyngitis, tonsillitis and otitis, excluding diseases covered in this program.

Pneumonia is the world's health problems due to high mortality, not only in developing countries, but also in developed countries like the U.S., Canada and European countries. In the U.S. for example there are two million to three pneumonia cases also by the number of deaths per year on average 45,000 people.

In Indonesia, pneumonia is the number three cause of death after cardiovascular and tuberculosis. Socioeconomic factors are the low death rate. Symptoms of pneumonia are fever, shortness of breath, rapid breathing and pulse, or greenish sputum, such as rubber, as well as an X-ray picture shows the density in the lung.

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