

Epilepsy is not contagious disease or a curse but a disturbance in the body as in other diseases. If you're not in the attack, people with epilepsy can live a normal life generally.

Epilepsy due to loss of electrical charge excessive and abrupt, so the acceptance and delivery of impulses in / from the brain to other parts of the body affected.

The disease is characterized by an attack of epilepsy seizures that can arise suddenly. We who are in their environment can help patients who are experiencing an attack by: 

• Do not expose the patient from the dangers that could potentially injure
• Loosen the neck tie and belt
• Lay the facing to one side (left or right)
• Put a soft pillow under his head

There are several types of epilepsy tonic-clonic epilepsy (grandma), absans epilepsy (petit mal), simple partial epilepsy, complex partial epilepsy, epilepsy Atonik, and myoclonic epilepsy.

Relief is given if the patient had an attack of severe seizures characterized by more than 5 minutes and / or the patient is unconscious. Aid should be done immediately if the patient injured or ingested food / beverage thereby disrupting road choked his breathing. Therefore if the attack never once gave a drink or food into the mouth of the patient.

When an attack of epilepsy sufferers often bitten tongue, therefore it needs to be assisted by slipping a spoon or objects upholstered in order not to injure the patient.

Check Out My Other Guide On Diseases Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever



HIV-AIDS disease is often associated with sex behavior is wrong, this is because initially the disease was found in those who practice homosexuality, but over time the disease began often found in drug users with syringes that they use.

AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is a disease that results in loss of immunity to prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases. The disease is caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) that causes immunodeficiency in humans. HIV is only transmitted through direct contact with blood or body fluids of someone who is infected with this virus.

The process of time to become infected with HIV AIDS disease lasts long enough. This situation is called the incubation period lasts between 5 or even 10 years for HIV-infected adults.

Prevent HIV infection from viruses such as avoiding risky behavior. Included in risky behavior is a bad habit of injecting drugs or drug dependency due to multiple partners and unprotected sex.

The teens and adults who are infected with HIV, it usually does not show signs when they are infected. In fact, sometimes new symptoms appear after 10 years or more. During this period, they can transmit the virus without themselves knowing that they have the virus.

As soon as the symptoms of AIDS appear, patients can lose weight drastically, it is very easy to feel tired, have swollen spleen, prolonged diarrhea, night sweats, or pneumonia. They will also be very susceptible to infections that could threaten their lives.

Check out my other guide on Diseases Dengue Hemorrhagic fever (DHF)


What is Hepatitis

Inflammation of the liver is commonly called hepatitis. This term is used for all types of inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis can be caused by various kinds, ranging from viruses to medicines including traditional medicines.

Hepatitis disease is often characterized by skin and the whites of the eyes become yellowish. Therefore hepatitis often called jaundice. Jaundice is usually associated with abnormalities in the liver, blood or spleen.

There are several types of hepatitis, namely hepatitis A, hepatitis B, C, D, E, F and hepatitis G. Hepatitis caused by viruses can be acute (hepatitis A), can also become chronic (hepatitis B and C) and those that later become cancerous liver (hepatitis B and C).

Hepatitis A

The disease is often found in children and do not cause symptoms, whereas in adults causes symptoms similar to flu symptoms are like fatigue, fever, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, yellow eyes and loss of appetite. The symptoms disappeared completely after 6-12 weeks. People infected with hepatitis A will be immune to the disease and do not continue to be chronic.

Transmission of hepatitis A can occur through food or water contaminated with feces, such as eating fruits, vegetables is not cooked or eating undercooked shellfish. Drinks with ice cubes that the process is tainted and not hygienic.

Hepatitis B

This disease has symptoms similar to hepatitis A are similar to flu-like loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, yellow eyes and fever. Transmission can be through a needle or contaminated knife, blood transfusions and human bites.

Today many immunizations developed to prevent hepatitis outbreak, but the most powerful preventive measures to prevent hepatitis is to implement a clean and healthy lifestyle, eating foods that are clean and uncontaminated, and wash your hands before and after meals.


Bird Flu Disease

Bird flu is a disease caused by influenza A virus sub-type H5N1 (H = Haemagglutinin type 5, N = Neuromidase) that attack birds / poultry / chicken. This disease can be transmitted from birds / poultry to birds / poultry and the birds / poultry to humans.
High mortality due to bird flu cause we have to make a serious effort to avoid the bird flu disease spread very quickly.

Bird flu disease characterized by symptoms that are common such as: fever over 38 ° C, cough and sore throat, runny nose, headache, muscle pain, infection conjunctivitis, diarrhea or gastrointestinal disturbances. A symptom of shortness is a sign of lower respiratory tract abnormalities and allows the patient's worsening condition.

Groups that need to be aware and at risk of bird flu are:
·         Close contact with patients suspected of being infected.
·         Hold, cut, processed poultry, birds / poultry.
·         Eat raw poultry products or not cooked perfectly.
·         Staff working in the laboratory.

Prevention efforts need to be done is to avoid materials that are exposed to feces and secretions (saliva) poultry in several ways, among which:
·         Wash hands with soap in running water after and before doing the work.
·         Implement environmental cleanliness.
·         Conduct personal hygiene.
·        Use protective (masks, special shoes, special clothes, special glasses) each do the work process ingredients derived from poultry digestive tract.
·         Wash the tools used on the farm each finished the job.
·         Consumption of chicken meat has been cooked perfectly.
·         Avoid contact with chicken / poultry that died suddenly.

Check out my other guide on Diarrhea Diseases


Scabies Disease

Scabies is a skin disease caused by ticks / mites (Sarcoptes scabei). Fleas are very small and can only be viewed with a microscope. The disease is also easily transmitted from human to human, from animals to humans and vice versa. Scabies easily spread either directly through direct contact with the patient or indirectly through clothing, linens, towels, pillows; water is still there Sarcoptes infestation.

Scabies is characterized by extremely itchy on the skin like on the sidelines of the fingers, elbow and groin. These causes itching scabies sufferers even scratching the skin can cause sores and infections that smells rancid. The itching is caused by Sarcoptes feet moving under the skin that makes a hole beneath the skin surface.

Scabies diseases arise due to lack of sanitary conditions are maintained, poor sanitation, malnutrition and the condition of the room is too humid and not getting enough direct sunlight. Skin disease scabies can spread quickly in a community living together, so that the treatment should be conducted simultaneously and comprehensively in all people and the environment in communities afflicted by scabies. If the treatment on an individual basis, it will be easy to catch back the disease scabies.

The symptoms that arise when the disease scabies is shown in red, irritation and itching of the skin that usually appears on the sidelines of the fingers, elbows, groin and thigh folds. Other symptoms are watery bubbles appear on the skin and the appearance of fine lines of reddish under the skin which is an excavated tunnel Sarcoptes.

Usually, doctors confirmed the disease by finding scabies tunnel under the skin and there are lice or eggs Sarcoptes on examination of skin scrapings.

Prevention is the main thing is keeping the body clean by bathing on a regular basis, drying mattresses, pillows and bed linen regularly and keeps the environment inside the house to keep getting enough sunlight, not humid and always clean.

So for an important action in the treatment of scabies is to break the transmission chain, so the treatment of scabies is usually done in bulk so that the chain of transmission can be eradicated quickly and thoroughly.

Check out my other guide on Diarrhea Diseases