
Benefits of Fiber For Body

Fibers classified as non-nutritional substances that are useful for health. Dietary fiber is a type of polysaccharide, more commonly known as simple sugars complex. Carbohydrate is made up of several clusters of simple sugars joined together to form a long chain of chemicals.

Chemical bonds are very difficult to be digested by the digestive enzymes that dietary fiber can not be absorbed by the intestinal wall will pass through the colon. The presence of fiber in the colon positive influence on the processes in the digestive tract and metabolism of nutrients, provided the amount is not excessive.

Dietary fiber can protect the body from disorders constipation, diarrhea, hemorrhoids and colon cancer. Fiber also prevents interference with the body's metabolism, allowing the body to avoid obesity and possibly diabetes mellitus disease, coronary heart disease, and gallstones. Fiber was able to manage one's weight, so the weight is expected to be not too fat not too thin so that it meets health standards.

Obesity is a side effect of excess nutrients. Obesity occurs when weight loss exceeded 20% of ideal body weight. This condition is caused by the consumption of food that exceeds the needs of the body. It can also be caused by food consumption patterns are likely to lead to rapid weight gain.

The pattern of overeating can be triggered by the problems of depression, anxiety, eating disorders such as bulimia, human relations issues, and no desire to switch to a healthy lifestyle. In addition, the eating while watching television or other spectacle while eating can lead to weight gain and an uncontrolled diet that is not healthy.

Foods that cause rapid weight gain are foods that are generally high in fat and sugar, but poor in complex carbohydrates (fiber). Raw foods contain fiber, among which rice, maize, wheat, sorghum, legumes (such as soybeans, peanuts, green beans), and vegetables.

Various methods suggested by experts to reduce excessive weight. However, the current program is recommended healthy diet is by setting a healthy diet and a healthy exercise that is not force and torture myself. The most important of setting a healthy lifestyle is the motivation for healthy living.

It is advisable, not to eat before bed, because eating before bed (especially sugar) will stimulate insulin secretion. This substance inhibits the secretion of growth hormone which usually occurs one to two hours at the beginning of sleep. In fact, besides the growth hormone for body growth also contributes to the immune system.