
Some Ways to Reduce Stress

The first step to prevent stress is to figure out what are the things that can trigger the arrival of stress. Once informed, avoid and start setting realistic goals and expectations that allow you to make it happen, do not ever let someone else organize or demand something impossible to accomplish. The last important thing is not to stress you take time every day to relax your mind.

Experts say that in order to reduce the stresses of life for a person to do with communication. Activity talking with family, friends, or significant others proved to be effective in reducing stress.

Problems faced gradually reduced in a way conveyed to others to look for solutions, opinions, or responses thus relieve the stresses of life.

Gymnastics To Remove Stress

Squat down on the floor down the hips to touch your heels while exhaling slowly. Bent forward until his forehead touches the floor. Stretch your arms back with palms facing upwards. Take a deep breath, press the abdomen to the thigh and slowly release the breath repeat four times.

Effect of Stress

There are three aspects that can affect you is stress, that aspect of mental, physical, and physiological. Stress affects the mental weight can make a person wants to commit suicide. Meanwhile, stress can also affect the physiological aspects such as diarrhea or can not defecate.

Effect of stress most often occurs in a person is the physical aspect. The physical aspects of stress that is usually caused by disorders of the heart, lungs, and other diseases.

As a result of the most commonly experienced by patients with stress is heart disease. When you are stressed, there is a part of the hypothalamus in the brain that produces adrenaline. That way, breathe taking excessive oxygen. If the excess oxygen in your body can be toxic.