
Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is one that is often about breast tumors. This disease not only affects women, men can experience it. It's just that the possibility of very small men.

Breast cancer is a malignant cancer group included although it can be prevented early. Among other cancers, this cancer is the leading cause of death in women. Until now the exact cause is unknown.

Although the exact cause is unknown, but it has been known for some risk factors that trigger the occurrence of breast cancer include the following:
  1.  Hereditary factors, such as parents never had breast cancer.
  2.  The first menstrual period before age 12, menopause after age 55 years.
  3.  First pregnancy after age 30 years or had never been pregnant.
  4.  Women who consume alcohol.
  5.  Women who frequently consume high fat foods.
  6.  Experiencing severe stress.
The symptoms of breast cancer are often known already in the stage which has been accompanied by severe and widespread dissemination beyond the breast so that the handling becomes difficult and need a big danger. Symptoms often appear and are perceived presence of: 
  1. Lumps in the breast. The lump was initially small, generally not accompanied by pain, getting bigger and bigger, and then attached to the skin.
  2. Skin around the nipple or nipple drawn into.
  3. Ulcers arise in the breast. Ulcers were increasingly large, often foul smelling, and bleed easily.
  4. Bleeding on the nipple.
  5. Pain or new pain in general arises if the tumor is large, already arise ulcers, or if there are cancer spreading.
  6. Then arose enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit, swelling of the arms, and spread of cancer throughout the body.
One simple check is recommended and is easily done independently at home breast self-examination regularly. The sooner the disease is unknown, it is easier to handle.

Actually, breast cancer can be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle, nutritious and balanced meals, exercise and perform early inspection.

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Tuberculosis (TB)

Tuberculosis disease is a disease belonging to the infections caused by bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. TB disease can strike at anyone not to mention men, women, old, young, rich and poor as well as anywhere.

Tuberculosis disease caused by germs / bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which is transmitted through contaminated air by Tuberculosis germs when they cough and tuberculosis patients, the bacteria into the lungs and assembled to develop into many (especially in people who have low immunity).

TB disease can spread to other organs such as kidneys, skin, lymph nodes, intestine and bone. Development of Tuberculosis disease in Indonesia is nothing to do with worsening socioeconomic conditions, not optimal public health service facilities, the increasing number of people who do not have a place to live and the epidemic of HIV infection. It is also of course having a large influence of weakened body resistance / decreased Virulence and the number of bacteria that play an important role in the occurrence of Tuberculosis infection.

Symptoms of Tuberculosis disease are classified into two parts, the general symptoms and specific symptoms. Common symptoms are frequently encountered are not very high fever that lasts longer, usually felt in the evening accompanied by night sweats. Decrease in appetite and weight loss and cough more than 3 weeks.

Specific symptoms depend on which organs are affected, in case of partial bronchial obstruction (the channel leading to the lungs) due to pressure of enlarged lymph nodes, will lead to sound "wheezing" sound accompanied by shortness of breath weakened. If there is fluid in the pleural cavity (wrapping the lungs), may be accompanied by complaints of chest pain.

When the bone, there will be symptoms such as bone infection at some point be able to form a channel and boils on the skin above it, in this estuary will discharge pus. In children can affect the brain (wrapping a layer of the brain) and is referred to as meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain).

TB treatment takes a long time and is expensive if it is accompanied by complications such as bleeding or the presence of fluid in the lungs. Therefore, before the disease tuberculosis of us and families, it is necessary efforts as follows:
  • Conduct a clean and healthy living, such as washing hands before eating and drinking.
  • Increase the adequate and nutritious food.
  • Avoid dirty and humid environment.
  • If you have Tuberculosis disease, then seek medical treatment regularly.
  • Follow your doctor's advice and be patient while trying to live healthier. 
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Cataract Disease

Cataract disease is a disease that typically affects the elderly population. Cataract was the cause of blindness in the world. Cataracts are easily identified by looking at the mist on the normally transparent lens of the eye and contain a lot of water, so that light can penetrate it easily. The foggy lens of the eye will cause the light from outside can not be forwarded to the center of vision. So that the shadow of an object can not "see".

Many factors affect the risk of cataract disease, including the body's nutritional needs are not fulfilled, excessive sun exposure, diabetes mellitus (diabetes) and aging.

What causes cataracts?

The majority (nearly 90%) of cataract disease in the elderly appears along with the declining power of vision and reading. Although it can actually be treated, cataracts are the leading cause of blindness in the world.

The new visibility affected after cataract develops around 3-5 years. Therefore, cataract patients are usually aware of his illness after entering a critical stage.

The initial symptoms are felt by the patient felt itching in the eyes, tears easily come out, impaired vision at night, and could not withstand the glare of sunlight or lamplight. Furthermore, the patient will see the film like a cloud in front of his eyesight. The cloud that covers the lens of the eye is finally getting close and covers all parts of the eye. When you have reached this stage, the patient will lose his eyesight.

Generally there are 4 types of cataract as follows:

1.  Congenital, is a cataract that occurred since the baby is born and develops in the first year of his life. This type of cataract is very rare.
2.  Traumatic, is a cataract that occurs because of an accident on the eyes.
3. Secondary cataracts are caused by the consumption of drugs such as prednisone and corticosteroids, as well as diabetics.
4. Age-related cataract is the most common type of cataract. Symptoms generally glare if exposed to sunlight and difficult to drive a vehicle at night.

Treatment of cataracts is currently growing rapidly, many methods were developed operations such as planting an artificial lens (intra-ocular lens) and laser surgery, so the longer the cataract surgery is a safe surgery with satisfactory results.

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Stroke Causes

Symptoms of stroke depend on the location / part of the brain becomes blocked and the vast area of ​​the brain affected.

Based on its location in your body, the symptoms of stroke are divided into the following: 

1.   Central nervous systems of parts: the left and right muscle weakness or partial (hemiplegic), stiffness, decrease in sensory function.
2.   Brain stem, where there are 12 cranial nerves: decreased ability to smell, taste, hear, and see the partial or total, decreased reflexes, impaired facial expression, impaired breathing and heart rate, weak tongue.
3.   Cerebral cortex: decreased memory, and confusion.

There are several risk factors for stroke are suffering from the disease, both of which are preventable or not preventable. Narrowing and blockage of blood vessels is often suffered by people whose age above 40 years because of several reasons such as decreased elasticity of blood vessels and atherosclerosis. To reduce these risks it is recommended that early on we exercise, avoiding cigarettes, alcohol and avoiding obesity.

Medical risk factors, among others Hypertension (high blood pressure), cholesterol, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), heart disorders, diabetes (diabetes), and a history of stroke in the family.

Behavioral risk factors, among others: Smoking (active & passive), unhealthy food (junk food, fast food), alcohol, lack of exercise, snoring, oral contraceptives, drugs, obesity.

A mild stroke often can return to normal health, but the heavy strokes often leave residual symptoms that are difficult to correct. Such as decreased movement of the arms, legs, speech pedal. Other residual symptoms can include memory loss and thinking power, depression, difficulty swallowing, and others.
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Stroke Disease

Stroke is a brain blood vessel disease that is characterized by the destruction of brain tissue called cerebral infarction. Brain tissue damage occurs due to reduced blood flow and oxygen due to narrowing, blockage or rupture of blood vessels of the brain. So there are two kinds of stroke, i.e. damage to brain tissue caused by blockage / constriction (infarction) and cerebral blood vessels due to bleeding (bleeding).

The stroke disease is characterized by the presence of stroke symptoms decreased nervous system function caused by cerebrovascular disease and not by other reasons. Stroke is divided into two types: ischemic stroke (infarction) and stroke Hemorrhagic (bleeding).

Ischemic stroke is blockage of blood vessels that cause blood flow to the brain in part or whole stop. The majority of stroke cases are ischemic stroke, ischemic stroke can occur because of clots / blood clots that block blood flow to the brain as well as reduced blood flow to the brain due to thrust a weak heart.

Hemorrhagic stroke is a stroke caused by rupture of blood vessels of the brain. Serine hypertension causes this type of stroke.

There are 2 types of hemorrhagic stroke, namely: 

  1. Hemorrhagic intraseberal: bleeding that occurs in brain tissue.
  2. Subarachnoid hemorrhagic: bleeding that occurs in the subarachnoid space (a narrow space between the brain surface and the layer of tissue covering the brain).
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Rheumatic Heart Disease

Rheumatic heart disease is often found in groups of children to young adults. The disease is characterized by abnormalities of heart valves, can be a constriction and leakage.

Patients with this disease are easily recognizable because of the appearance of the body that seems pale, bluish hands or lips. Patients easily gasping breath and shortness of breath for walking or light activity though. Because of these limitations, patients with rheumatic heart so often a child who seemed quiet.

Rheumatic heart disease begins with inflammation / infection of the throat by a beta hemolytic streptococcus bacteria. Then the poison that brought these germs spread through the bloodstream and cause inflammation of the heart valves. Heart valve or valves having adhesions so narrowed or thickened and contract, so that when the valve closes again imperfect and leak. Do not underestimate a sore throat due to infection, because it could be threatening rheumatic heart you.

Acute rheumatic fever is characterized by prolonged fever, heart pounding, sometimes tired and shortness of breath when the heart is impaired, joint pain that moved around, reddish spots on the skin are bounded, irregular hand movements and uncontrollable, or small lumps-minor under the skin.

Rheumatic heart disease will be more easily treated if quickly known, so that leakage of the heart does not / has not happened. If the initial symptoms of rheumatic fever can be detected early and there have been no significant valve defects, then treatment is adequate, it can be cured without defect. But when it happens valve severe disability, usually can not recover.

Severe leakage will affect the work of the heart muscle and cause heart muscle to thicken. Patients with rheumatic heart would quickly complain of fatigue or shortness in mild activity. In severe conditions it operated closure valve / heart valve to be done.

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High Blood Diseases

Disease of high blood pressure or hypertension is a medical condition where there is an increase in blood pressure is chronic (long-term). Generally, patients have at least three blood pressure readings exceeding 140/90 mmHg at rest.

Hypertension there is a primary and secondary, because of other diseases that affect blood pressure such as kidney disease. Blood pressure is always high is one risk factor for stroke and heart attack.

In most patients, hypertension causes no symptoms even if by accident some of the symptoms occur simultaneously. Symptoms in question are headache, dizziness, bleeding from the nose, flushed face and fatigue.

If hypertension is severe or chronic symptoms can occur such as headaches. Fatigue, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, anxiety, blurred vision that occurs because of damage to the brain, eyes, heart and kidneys, and even loss of consciousness.

Overweight, inactive lifestyle (supine exercise), stress, alcohol or salt in foods, can trigger the occurrence of hypertension in people who have a reduced sensitivity. Stress tends to cause a rise in blood pressure for a while, if the stress has passed the blood pressure usually returns to normal.

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