
What is Rabies

Rabies (hydrophobia) has been known since ancient times. Rabies is an acute infectious disease of the central nervous system caused by the rabies virus. The disease is transmitted through the bite of transmitting rabies animals especially dogs, cats and monkeys.

Rabies virus present in the saliva of infected animals. These animals pass the infection to other animals or humans through bites and sometimes through sycophancy.

Rabies virus will enter through the nerves leading to the spinal cord and brain which is where the rabies virus is multiplying. Furthermore, the virus will move again through the nerves to the salivary glands and into the saliva.

Not all people bitten by a dog or animal rabies sufferers will cause rabies. Rabies arise depending on the severity and location of the bite animal bite.

The virus will spread from the bite through the nerves to the spinal cord, then to the brain. Since the period of the virus reaches the brain is relatively long, then there is a chance that patients bitten by dogs with rabies serum to be given anti-rabies and rabies vaccinations simultaneously.

Symptoms of rabies in animals

Symptoms of rabies in animals is characterized by abnormalities in behavior, include the following:
  • Dogs who would lose their usual fierce fierce, otherwise docile dog will tend to be aloof and stern. Animals become sensitive to light and sound that barked toward the light and sound. Eye dogs on alert. Sometimes a dog with rabies will bite their own bodies. 
  • Be not afraid of wild carnivores to humans. 
  • The cat becomes aggressive. 
  • Cattle pawed the ground and ran here and there and menandukkan head in another. 
  • Horse show symptoms of excitation.

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