
Some of The Symptoms of Leptospirosis and Its Prevention

The incubation period for the disease leptospirosis is 4-19 days.
Early symptoms of leptospirosis are generally characterized by fever, severe headache, muscle pain, stiff neck, and red eyes. Sometimes kidney disturbances, vomiting and coughing. Fever subsided around day 9, but often recur.

Generally these symptoms similar to symptoms of other illnesses such as colds, making diagnosis difficult. There are even people who do not show all the symptoms.

Symptoms of leptospirosis which will further get worse, which will lead to kidney failure, jaundice, and bleeding into the skin and mucous membranes (often found in the mucous membranes yellowish). Swelling of the lining of the brain or meningitis and bleeding in the lungs can occur.

Most people with a serious illness requiring hospitalization and sometimes can lead to death.

Treatment of the disease leptospirosis

In general, the treatment of leptospirosis using antibiotics. Treatment with antibiotics is most effective if started early when the initial hit by leptospirosis. Antibiotics commonly used for the treatment of leptospirosis is doxycycline or penicillin.

Leptospirosis disease prevention

Primary prevention of disease leptospirosis was the cleanliness of the environment. Here are some ways of preventing the disease leptospirosis, among which:
  • Wash hands with soap before eating.
  • Store food and drink properly to avoid rats.
  • Protecting workers at high risk for leptospirosis by using boots and gloves. 
  • Clean water spots and swimming pool. 
  • Provide and shut the trash.
  • Avoid contamination by rodents. 
  • Perform disinfection of certain places contaminated by rodents. 
  • Shower or wash your hands, feet and other body parts with soap after working in the gardens, fields, trash, sewer and other places contaminated.
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