
What Is Anthrax

The disease is spread across five continents: Asia, Africa, Europe, America and Australia. Anthrax is a disease caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis. These bacteria can infect or attack the skin, lungs, gastrointestinal tract and the brain.

The bacteria Bacillus anthracis spores live in the soil and reproduce the form of manure. These bacteria can be a source of infection in animals and humans. Factors such as the summer is very hot, drought, lack of food animals eat grass and fatigue, facilitate the emergence of the disease in animals containing anthrax germs.

Anthrax is highly contagious and can be fatal, the cause of death. Anthrax infects animals cattle, buffalo, sheep, horses, pigs, ostriches too. Other animals can be infected when eating the flesh of infected animals died of anthrax.

Birds also may be spreading germs when carrying anthrax tainted food and fly to another place to spend the tainted food. Some wild animals are also known contracted anthrax.

Transmission of anthrax from animals to humans usually occurs by contact with animals or animal results. Transmission of anthrax through skin contact will cause anthrax injured skin with typical lesions.

Pain anthrax in animals is acute. Animals that died because of suspected anthrax should not be an autopsy, but blood checks done through the earlobe. If anthrax, get buried pretty deep and covered with lime.

Sometimes a black colored blood clot out of the hole hard animals (such as the anus, nose and ears) just before the animal dies. Carcasses of animals that died of anthrax will quickly rot.