
The Basic Facts Of Toxoplasmosis

Toxoplasmosis usually affects different types of mammals and birds. Toxoplasmosis can also be transmitted to humans. Although the number of cases is relatively small, the young mother who was pregnant, had a miscarriage risk of being close to a cat infected with toxoplasmosis. In general, new infections are detected when the patient suffered a miscarriage and laboratory examination.

Transmission source

The main source of transmission of the disease toxoplasmosis is from animals to humans through cat feces or meat that is not cooked properly.

Symptoms of the disease toxoplasmosis in animals

  • In cats, symptoms of the disease toxoplasmosis, among others, were: pyrexia, anorexia, vomiting, thirst, dispnu, and jaundice. Some of them, a kitten that died with inflammation of lymph nodes, heart and brain.
  • In sheep, such as incoordination of movement, muscle rigidity, going around, and miscarriage (abortion).
  • In cattle, acute toxoplasmosis is characterized by fever, dispnu, and neurological symptoms.
  • The infected calves showed symptoms of fever, accompanied by the sound gear rubbing on the neck and head tremor.
Death usually occurs on days 2 and 6 trips ill.

Symptoms of the disease toxoplasmosis in humans

Clinical symptoms in humans are very rare. Pregnant women who are infected with these protozoa can experience a miscarriage, stillbirth, or a child born alive but suffered a serious illness or end in death.

Prevention of disease toxoplasmosis

Prevention of toxoplasmosis disease include the following:
  • Cooking meat properly.
  • Pregnant women are advised to avoid contact with cat feces or contaminated cat feces. 
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